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About: Bio
Madelyne Schnurr

Hello, I'm Madelyne Schnurr,

I am a Columbus based creative designer and recent graduate with Bachelors of Fine Arts and Minor in Marketing at the University of Cincinnati. 

My current fine arts work investigates the hidden ugly secrets and subliminal messaging of consumerism in modern pop culture. 


Through my time in college, I have started to combine my love for the creative world, my interests of advertisements and pop culture.  I recently been pursuing a creative marketing direction. I have previously worked social media content creation under Glass Axis and Studio 614 while also assisting with creation of marketing materials.



“I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.” – Vincent van Gogh

My drive through my education has been taking advantage of the opportunities given to me. I have expanded outside my comfort zone of drawing and painting  to exploring the other mediums of ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, and even glassblowing! 

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